Why are we here? Why me?
“We are all just walking each other home,” says Ram Dass, spiritual teacher.
Growing up and observing the adults who moulded me, my purpose became very clear: service.
One of these adults introduced me to the Antoinette Tubman Cheshire Home in the late 80’s , and, like her, I was “hooked”! ATCH has been an important part of my life since.
When the residents smile, when they speak, I catch a glimpse of Heaven on Earth… My heart lights up with joy!
It is said that when a gift is given, the joy of the giver is atleast doubled – or multiplied numerous times more than – the joy of the recipient…. Tell me, then, WHO is the REAL recipient of charity here? I must confess – it is I.

Marion A. Brown

Marion A. Brown

Member of the Board

Why are we here? Why me? "We are all just walking each other home," says Ram Dass, spiritual teacher.

Mrs./Dr. Amelia T. Weah-Liberty

Member & Former Interim Co-Chair of the Board

In addition to my role above, I am a Medical Doctor and a Public Health Specialist ....Read more

Marina Andreas Z. Dweh

Member of the Board

Entrepreneur Started the journey with ATCH since October 2016. Officially on the board since 2017.

Geraldine Pierre MS, J.D. - U.S. based member

I have a passion for humanitarian results driven endeavors. Compassionate committed to sincerely serving and fostering meaningful global connections.